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About me

Makeeta Le Model

Model / TV Host /Wardrobe Stylist

Well, Who is Makeeta Le Model you ask..I'm a chameleon of sorts I can adapt to any scenery.I am a manifester, so I'm the one to bring forth the ideas.Ever since I was young I knew I was a leader not a follower.It started with My clothes lol. I was so small yet so long that I had to be a little more stylish that all the other little kids.On top of the fact since birth I was groomed to be a model by my mother.She was a freelance model In France before I was born , so when i was born she was teaching for runway shows and coaching.I use to sit watching mocking,mimicking and practicing what i saw, dying to get on the runway.Then as a teen in the US I found representation with a agency in DC Baltimore area was under them for a year and did a lot of print for cheer leading magazines and fashion shows for local departments stores.In doing so my passion for FASHION in general grew. The Model life... Get beautiful, put on something that represents you and how you feel items weather designer or not and take fabulous pictures or walk this amazing catwalk giving your fiercest walk. THAT'S ME!! I just don't want it for the Glitz and Glam I want to be a representation that all models ( people in general) that cant gain weight.See i have ulcerative colitis, for the past 4 and a half years so I get teased a lot about OH YOU THE ONE WHO EATS WATER! I want to show the world a great representation of a model through all adversities, teaching being a blessing to someone else and each one teach one, building a non profit to help young women come into women hood that protected way with real family or not. My life purpose is to help others with my natural given talents,Teach other from my adversities and mistakes and I plan on doing just that, with help from opportunities like this and much more.

So when you say tell me about you Makeeta your asking for an entire book that I can visually show you much better lol but to put it into terms we can all get I am a Model Citizen !
A model is a person with a role either to promote, display or advertise commercial products, or to serve as a visual aid for people who are creating works of art or to pose for photography. Wikipedia

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